GB: "The gradual disappearance of tenses (subjunctive, simple past, imperfect, compound forms of the future, past participle, etc.) gives rise to thinking in the present, limited to the moment, incapable of projections in time The generalisation of the use of first names, the disappearance of capital letters and punctuation are all fatal blows to the subtlety of expression. To remove the word "mademoiselle" is not only to give up the aesthetics of a word, but also to promote the idea that there is nothing between a little girl and a woman. Fewer words and fewer conjugated verbs mean less ability to express emotions and less possibility to develop a thought. Studies have shown that some of the violence in the public and private sphere is a direct result of the inability to put emotions into words. Without a word to build a reasoning, the complex thinking dear to Edgar Morin is hindered, made impossible. The poorer the language, the less thought there is. History is full of examples and there are many writings from George Orwell in 1984 to Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 who have recounted how dictatorships of all stripes hindered thought by reducing and twisting the number and meaning of words. There is no critical thinking without thinking. And there is no thought without words. How can we build a hypothetical-deductive thought without mastering the conditional? How can we envisage the future without conjugating the future tense? How can we understand temporality, a succession of elements in time, whether past or future, as well as their relative duration, without a language that makes the difference between what could have been, what was, what is, what could happen, and what will be after what could happen has happened? If a rallying cry were to be heard today, it would be this one, addressed to parents and teachers: make your children, your pupils, your students speak, read and write. Teach and practice the language in its most varied forms, even if it seems complicated, especially if it is complicated. Because in this effort lies freedom. Those who constantly explain that spelling must be simplified, that the language must be purged of its 'defects', that genders, tenses, nuances and everything that creates complexity must be abolished, are the gravediggers of the human spirit. There is no freedom without demands. There is no beauty without the thought of beauty". Christophe Clavé |